Who Am I

Cass and Maya Galleas. Who Am I

These thoughts turned out to be rather difficult but solvable for me (it says the mathematician in me). I was probably not very lucky, but I started asking myself this question after I graduated from college. Having finished it, I seemed lost in life. I didn’t know what I want and what is really interesting… Continue reading Who Am I

How To Choose Only One Way For Myself (Different Ways)

Different Ways

Some years before, I could write some of my poems and even read them from the stage. But at twelve years old, I realized that I wanted to learn the acting skills. I read books, repeated emotions in front of a mirror. I've been searching for tricks and even masterly showed them to the public.… Continue reading How To Choose Only One Way For Myself (Different Ways)

How I Started Developing Myself (Good Things Happen)

Good Things Happen

We often ask ourselves questions, we often find answers to them, but we are not always able to correctly notice and recognize them. Since childhood, I loved to go for a walk, sit in a park, or just be away from the city and enjoy the starry sky. The stars were always sacred to me,… Continue reading How I Started Developing Myself (Good Things Happen)

How to Write the First Short Story (New Life Goals)

New Life Goals

Not everyone is born with the soul of a dragon, but everyone can get wings. For some people, dragons are evil and greedy. For others, dragons are wise and strong. For me, they are completely different without stamps and stereotypes. I have always believed that dragons are wise and powerful creatures. They can change our… Continue reading How to Write the First Short Story (New Life Goals)

Who Are You?

Who are you

Recently, I try to understand who I am? But I cannot find the definitive answer. A lot of things (but not all) interest me, and I'm personally passionate about. I know what I do with a great pleasure for a long time in my life. But I still cannot find the correct definition or words… Continue reading Who Are You?